Images for print projects
We list and offer our illustration size options in "pixel" sizes. This is the digital unit of measurement most art directors/buyers employ to communicate the final size the image will appear in their creative project. The standard resolution for printing is 300 p.p.i. (pixels per inch). You will notice in our Pricing Guide that printing options are tiered depending on the printed size of the image - the larger the image, the higher the fee.Images for electronic display
Up until Apple's "Retina" display came to the market, on-screen display of an image (website, presentations...) was exclusively measured at 72 or 96 p.p.i. This means that the typical PC computer viewing a website would see a 400-pixel image filling about 1/3 of the browser page (in a 1024 resolution monitor). 400 pixels is still an acceptable image size for websites, but if the user is viewing the image on a 265 p.p.i. Apple Retina display, a 72 p.p.i. image would appear muddy, choppy or pixelated.Understanding size and resolution can be confusing, especially with all the available monitor resolutions out there. This is why we guide you through our Order Inquiry form when you inquire about licensing our images. This form simply prompts you to tell us how you'll use the image and we'll do the math for you.
How does work? creates and licenses stock and custom ophthalmic illustrations and animations for use in pharmaceutical marketing, legal cases, product marketing, websites and patient education materials. We have a huge stock library of medically and surgically accurate ophthalmic illustrations depicting subjects from eye anatomy & diseases to eye surgery. If you wish to use any of our illustrations or animations, you can purchase usage rights that will enable you to use them under a specific license agreement tailored for your specific use. See the "How can I use..." FAQ below.
How can I use illustrations and animations?
We license our illustrations and animations on a "Rights Managed" basis. This means you only pay for what you need. For example: the clinic using an eye anatomy illustration in a patient-educational PowerPoint presentation will pay a lower fee than the art buyer intending to use the same illustration on a magazine cover. This way, you can tailor your usage license (and cost) proportional to your specific needs.
Do you collect royalties based upon the illustration's usage?
No. Our general license agreement is royalty-free in the sense that, no matter how successful or non-successful your usage of the image becomes, you've only paid one set price for the license to use it based on the original terms of the agreement you purchased. So you pay us one original licensing fee whether you only sell 10 of your products or if you sell 10 million products.
Can I get exclusivity?
Sorry, we almost never outright sell off our copyrights. We do, on occasion, license images for specific exclusive demographics, for a limited period of time. Example: we can grant "First Rights" of an image for 6 months, or we can grant an exclusive license that provides that we never again license the image in a particular industrial space, or geographical area. Contact us if you would like to discuss outright purchasing a copyright to one of our medical illustrations.
How long can I use illustrations and animations?
We license our media with several available options, starting at annually. In addition to annual, you can purchase extra years at a great discount. The multi-years license is our most affordable and popular license. As we mentioned in the "How can I use..." answer above, whether it's 1, 3 or 5 years, you'll only pay for what you need. "Unlimited", licenses are available. There are certain limitations to these non-expiring licenses, but if you need that time flexibility, it's available to you. Here's our general pricing table, to give you an idea of image licensing prices.
Illustration sizing and pricing?
What exactly happens after ordering?
After you have accepted the proposal we emailed to you (based on your submission of the Order Inquiry form), we will email you a "Submit Payment" link. We are set up to accept PayPal payments online. PayPal is an internationally-accepted, safe & secure way to submit online payments. You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to submit payments on, a simple credit card will work fine.
How long does the process take?
Once PayPal alerts us that you've paid, we will prepare your image/animation files and either email them out to you or email you a link where you can securely download them - depending on how large the file size is. Obviously, a smaller order of 1-10 images would take much less time than an order of 40-50 images. File preparation entails sizing the image to your specified needs and any custom labeling or markup you've requested. On average, you would receive a single-image order within 30 minutes of payment. It can however rarely take up to several hours -- again, depending on the labor involved in customizing the order.
Can I get artwork comps?
You are free to download the lightbox images from our website for use in drafting your comprehensive layout as long as you have intentions of purchasing the image and providing that you leave the image's watermark intact. These copyrighted, no-charge "comps" may not be used in final layouts, websites or be sold or displayed in any whole or derivative form.
Can I get custom illustrations?
Yes! Many of our stock illustrations were originally created as "custom illustration" orders. We pride ourselves in working closely with clients to create and deliver the perfect visual to compliment their creative projects or websites. We specialize in ophthalmic medical illustration, so we know what we're doing! We know what to ask and what to not bother the client with. We can "talk the talk" and deliver the image even better than you imagined it. If you need to contact us regarding a custom illustration you need, simply fill out our Order Inquiry form.
What clients have you worked with?
In our 2+ decades of serving the ophthalmic community, we have been honored to work with hundreds of clients - many of them regular, repeat clients. From individual practitioners, to publishing companies, to large pharmaceutical companies, we cater to them all. Some our our clients you may recognize include: Bausch & Lomb, Transitions, Novartis, Zeiss, National Geographic, Genentech, Review of Ophthalmology Magazine, Ophthalmology Management Magazine, Pharmacia, Johnson & Johnson, Allergan, All About Vision, Regeneron, Jobson Publishing, EuroTimes and many, many more.
Who is your artist?
Working as an Ophthalmic Photographer since 1988, Mark Erickson has examined and photographed virtually every type of eye condition there is, through various high-powered microscopes and cameras.This experience has given him a unique and intimate understanding of the eye and its various anatomical structures, diseases and surgical procedures.